Published on 19.05.2024
Intro to Website-Specific (Sound) Art

John-Robin Bold about website-specific art, a term he coined to describe his web art.
Published on 24.04.2024
Interview 5: Bilawa Ade Respati

Open Call winner Bilawa Ade Respati takes us behind the curtain of Indonesian history.
Published on 21.04.2024
Interview 4: Information, communication and manipulation

Open Call winner Tansy Xiao talks about her artistic practice and the WebSoundArt commission.
Published on 07.04.2024
Tutorial 9: Working with audio files

Becky talks about the organisation and use of audio files when programming with the WebAudio API.
Published on 17.03.2024
Another Brick in the Web

An overview of tools that show how the web browser is becoming a worthy competitor to audio software.
Published on 03.03.2024
Art and Open Source

A request to cultivate free software and open source art.
Published on 18.02.2024
Tutorial 8: Experimenting with WebAssembly through creative coding platforms

In the 8th coding tutorial, Becky gives an overview of several coding platforms one can use with WebAssembly, like Faust, Csound and Vult.
Published on 04.02.2024
Online Communities for Web-Based Sound Art

Brandon gives an overview of the diverse online communities from which web-based sound art emerges.
Published on 21.01.2024
Tutorial 7: Launching Your Web Art

In this tutorial, Laurens explains how to deploy a website to the actual web.
Published on 07.01.2024
Interview 3: Sebastian Adams

Vanilla with a scoop of humour: An unpatented journey through Sebastian Adams’ kaleidoscopic practice.
Published on 17.12.2023
Tutorial 6: P5.Sound Crash Course

Brandon shares a tutorial with the p5.Sound library based on his 6-part 'JavaScript for Sound Artists' workshop series.
Published on 10.12.2023
Aesthetics 3: Web Art and the Potential of Transforming a User into Audience

Philipp talks about the role of the user on the web and the potential to transform a user into an audience member within web art.
Published on 19.11.2023
Tutorial 5: Max and the Browser

Becky explains how to connect Max and the browser. She talks a.o. about Miraweb and the new RNBO.
Published on 12.11.2023
Tutorial 4: Composing with User Data

Laurens explains when and how to collect user data, and how to use this data in a browser compositions.
Published on 05.11.2023
Let It Crash

State of the art in the fault-tolerance web application design for collaborative sound art
Published on 08.10.2023
NFTs and Royalties

Will NFTs actually help artists make money? This article talks about royalties and smart contracts on the internet.
Published on 01.10.2023
Tutorial 3: React and Tone.js

A more advanced tutorial on how to integrate Tone.js in a React application.
Published on 17.09.2023
Interview 2: The Memory Palace of Sander Saarmets

An interview with the Estonian artist Sander Saarmets about his web-based works Kipatauw and Unusta|Forget.
Published on 03.09.2023
Aesthetics 2: An Imperative of the Visual Primacy of the Web

Why (most of) Web Sound Art needs (and probably wants) to deal with visual aspects.
Published on 06.08.2023
Virtual Environments for Web-Based Sound Art

Will virtual environments replace an applications & tools approach for making web-based sound art?
Published on 16.07.2023
Interview 1 with Nikola Lutz

Whole milk, mad maps and digital bees: Nikola Lutz on nota and web-based sound art. Will virtual environments replace an applications & tools approach for making web-based sound art?
Published on 02.07.2023
Tutorial 2: Web Audio API

This first tutorial gives an introduction to the Web Audio API.
Published on 18.06.2023
Audio-Visual Relationships in Web-Based Sound Art

This article will look at two case studies of web sound art, one with a complex relationship between audio and visuals, and a second with an opposite, extremely minimal approach to audiovisual relationships.
Published on 04.06.2023
Aesthetics 1: The Opacity of the Web as a Medium in Web-Based Sound Art

In this first article within the aesthetics-series, Philipp Mayer investigates the opacity of web-based sound art's medium.
Published on 21.05.2023
Tutorial 1: Where To Start?

This first tutorial gives an introduction to programming for the browser.
Published on 07.05.2023
Interactive Web Sound Art

This article surveys different approaches to interactivity in web-based sound art, through the lens of several artists and web-projects.